Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is there a perfect Mobile phone for me?

I am searching for a perfect phone to replace my Sony Ericsson W910i for almost an year now. I began this search because I needed a phone that can sync my Google calendar, e-mails, contacts, etc easily with my phone without having to sync them to Outlook (which costs another $80+). Do you smell the need for Android phone?

Well, I thought so too. Unfortunately, the first Android phone is one of the ugliest phones out there and also it doesn't yet have a cool Today Screen like Windows Mobile has where all important information like Todays weather, new messages (both e-mail and SMS), tasks, calendar events, etc, etc can be displayed. I tried out couple of hot phones and have come out unhappy so far.

The first one I tried is iPhone 3G. I returned it after using it for couple of hours as I didn't know I couldn't do MMS nor Bluetooth file transfer, Bluetooth data sync, A2DP, etc. All a must for me and I use them a lot in my current W910.

Just recently, I owned the much waited Sony Ericsson Xperia X1a for little under 2-weeks. I spent enough time on Xperia XDA-Developers forums with it to fully tweak the phone to my needs. It almost pleased me except the fact that you need Outlook to sync your Google calendar and contacts and for several build quality issues. Don't get me wrong here when I say build quality issues. Xperia is probably one of the best built phones out there and it would have been the best if only the SE engineers didn't go insane in designing the buttons below the screen. They ruined the otherwise very well built phone. I was not willing to accept these minor build quality issues when I pay $800 for a phone. So, it went back.

After I returned Xperia X1a I went back to my W910 and released how much I love this phone for it's build quality, sleekness, and candy bar feel. I wish Sony Ericsson will improve their A200 mobile OS models to have something like today screen that can sync with mobile e-mail sites like Windows Live, Google, Yahoo, etc. That will be awesome as I released QWERTY keyboard is not need much for me as I seem to prefer T9 texting.

As a temporary step to get my dream phone I purchased HTC Fuze today and will share my opinion on it soon.

Some of the phones I am hoping will be perfect for my needs:

Sony Ericsson W705

Nokia N97

Any new Android Phones that can work on AT&T 3G Network.

Palm Pre

1 comment:

Suresh Maddipoti said...

I am also from Mirthipadu currently in US, just wondering who this might be.

I will be delighted if you could email me at